Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pros and cons of the internet and new computer technologies

- Time-saving when we get loads of information by surfing the internet
- Our friendship network can be enlarged by using MSN, Facebook, email, Xanga etc. such platform and tool
- Lots of softwares allow people to edit their own music, film, drawing, design etc.,therefore, their creativities can be developed
- Very new and updated materials are provided anytime
- Little occupancy area is used as numerous files can be saved into one memory card or hard disc
- We can share our thought and feeling with whole world easily and conveniently

- The radiation is harmful to human when people spend most of their time to surf the internet
- People is easily addicted to the online computer game where allow people express and do whatever they want
- When people is too dependent on using computer, they may be gradually less willing to talk in reality
- Wrong and unreliable sources may be spread when everyone can upload things onto internet without any strict permission

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